About Me

Hello! My name is Vicki Spiegel and I am excited about a new school year! I wanted to share a bit about me and my history. I have been married for 17 years and we have two boys in 8th and 5th grade. I helped raise the two older children who are successful self-sustaining adults! All my family live in Texas, and my husband is from California. We have a cat, two dogs, and a Gramma that lives with us here in Surprise. I graduated high school in 1989 and received a Bachelor's Degree in Deaf Education at Texas Tech University. I became certified to work with Special Education students soon after. After teaching for 11 years, I went back to Texas Tech to get my Master's degree in School Counseling. I have been in education since 1993 where I started in Special Education in Abernathy, Texas. After teaching there for two years, I moved to Sundown, Tx. and worked as a teacher for 9 years and as the middle school and high school counselor for 7 years. My family moved to Arizona in 2009 and I began working here in the Dysart Unified School District. I started at Dysart Elementary School before moving to Western Peaks Elementary.

I believe every student can succeed with hard work and a good attitude! Students can overcome a bad family life, disabilities, and distractions. However, they have to put forth the effort and believe in themselves. I tell the kids daily, "It's OK to not know, but it is NOT OK to not try." I feel honored to work with teachers, parents, and students in this community to see that they are as successful in life as they want to be!

Office Hours: 7:45-7:55 a.m., 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Phone number: 623-876-7100 ext. 3144