

1. Please fill in the form below EXCEPT the last question. Your parents will have a password or phrase that THEY will fill in. Practice records are all about communication and accountability so be honest!


1. Please review what your student has entered.

2. If you agree with what they have filled out, enter a password or pass phrase in the last question of the form. Whatever password or pass phrase you use for the first practice journal will be recorded. If you wish to change your password, please e-mail me: christopher.roy@dysart.org

3. Please keep this password or pass phrase private from your student!

Practice Expectations:

1. Practice a minimum of 90 minutes per week.

2. Practice a minimum of 4 different days each week.

Online Practice Journal Rubric:

4 - Practice more than expectation

3 - Met practice expectations

2 - Partially met practice expectations

1 - Not turned in

Online Practice Journal Forms

Students need to use this online form to report their practice every week.