Our Library play a significant role  in the dissemination of knowledge through our remarkable specialized collections, outstanding services, innovative technologies, and exceptional  staff.  Our Library Gateway is designed to provide a multitude of resources, both print-based and electronic, as well as to offer detailed information about our ongoing services.We will continue our commitment to collecting materials, but are redoubling our efforts in making these materials discoverable, usable and accessible to faculty, researchers and students. Input from thoughtful faculty and students have been drivers in most of the above initiatives, and the staff of the DYPCOE Library has shown great resolve in making these things not only possible, but also real. Library is the heart of the institute. As heart supplies blood to all parts of the body. 

Library provides knowledge to all faculty and students. Library is a place of pride at DYPCOE campus & an essential component of learning, research and education mission. The Library is fully computerized with KOHA Library management software. It helps in accessing a wide range of materials, both in print and electronic version.Library has facilities like CD-ROMs, online databases and photocopiers for students. The library has an excellent collection of reference/ text books, periodicals related to the field of Engineering. The library has got a separate reading hall.If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions please email or visit our physical reference desk, where library staff members are happy to help with your research needs.

Mr.Avinash Lande



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