Download Instructions

The data is now hosted on Google Drive. Google Drive is a new product and these instructions may evolve as the product matures.

If you do not have a Google Account or do not wish to use it:

    • Follow this link to the data

      • either: click on "data.tar.gz" to download the whole dataset as a tar file

      • or: click on "data" to browse the files and download them individually

If you do have a Google Account:

    1. Follow this link to the data

    2. Visiting that link will add the data directory to "Collections Shared with Me" in Google Docs.

    3. Go to Collections Shared with Me to browse the data in Google Docs

    4. Click on data.tar.gz to download all the data.

    5. Select individual files to download as a zip:

If you have Google Drive:

    • Follow this link to the data

    • Visiting that link will add the data directory to "Collections Shared with Me" in Google Docs.

    • If you have Google Drive sync enabled, the data will sync to your local drive.