
Crumble - use whatever seasonal fruits you have

Herb Pesto for Pizza

Potato and Rosemary pizza topping

Pizza Dough - this is the recipe we use for our pizza base

Kale Couscous - we used this recipe and substituted the barley for Couscous

Rukau - in Samoa this dish is known as Palusami, in the Cook Islands it is known as Rukau

Spiced Cauliflower

Mint Chutney


Salad of the Imagination

Zucchini Cheesy Slice - we substituted the Zucchini in this recipe with Kale, Spinach & Silverbeet

Tomato Sauce

Carrot and Cumin Salad

Basil Pesto Pasta - we substituted Basil for the Cavolo Nero in this recipe

Basil Flatbread - we added finely chopped basil to this flatbread recipe

Crunchy Kohlrabi Coleslaw