How Parents Can Help

I am grateful that I have the opportunity to work with the amazingly supportive families in District 30.  It is a privilege to work with parents who are actively involved in their child's education and do everything they can to help them succeed.  If you have time, take a moment to read some information about 8th grade student development.  It will give you a window into what to expect from your 13- or 14-year-old this year.  

In addition, you can help support my classroom in myriad ways.  Perhaps the best thing you can do is to keep developing an open, positive relationship with your child.  Helping your child feel loved, safe, secure, and well-rested at home allows them to be open and available for learning at school.  

There are many great tips for parents of middle schoolers available here:

To support the social studies curriculum, please discuss current events with your 8th grader!  We will be discussing world events in class and giving them an opportunity to discuss these ideas at home allows for big payoffs in the classroom. Modeling calm, thoughtful, evidence-based civic discourse will reinforce our aims in the social studies department.  

Furthermore, if you have any skill or knowledge base that you think may be useful in the social studies classroom, please let me know!  I always welcome parent volunteers.  

Finally, as always, please also contact me with any questions or concerns that you have about your child's learning.