
Exam dates

Exam dates will be communicated through Classroom. Registration of Elective in AI can be requested when all the modules have been completed.

Exam instructions

The course will be evaluated with the performance of a set of exam activities that will be proposed by the teachers during the course.

Exam activities include: 1) paper presentation/discussion, 2) HRI project (possibly in a small group)

Joint work with other Elective modules is also possible (to be discussed with the teachers).

Additional information about exam products are given during the class and communicated through the Classroom system. We strongly suggest students to attend the class and to participate to these activities in order to complete the exam within the dates of the course.

Exam products

For presentations and projects, specific outputs must be delivered (e.g., slides of the presentations, reports, video showing the execution of the project, etc.)

Exam products must be submitted through the Google Classroom system (not by e-mail).

In case of group work, a joint report is fine, but individual contribution of each student should be clearly specified.

In case of a joint work with other Elective modules, a single report for both the modules is fine, but it must clearly highlight the contributions for each module.

More details will be given during the classes.

Paper presentations

A 15 minutes presentation on a paper suggested by the teachers with slides prepared by the students given at the classroom.

Presentation slides must be submitted through the Google Classroom system (not by email).

The process for paper presentations will be illustrated during the classes.

Project development

Here are some tips on choosing a project topic:

  • Your idea should involve (1) at least one user input modality, (2) at least one robot output modality, and (3) at least some reasoning/interaction management system to allow the robot to make intelligent behaviour choices.
  • You should choose at least one paper on the topic of HRI and base your project on the ideas presented in that paper. Note that we do not expect you to implement exactly what was in that paper -- however, there should be some relationship: for example, you might implement a robot that works in a similar domain, or supports similar interactions, or you might use a particular implementation technique based on what is used in the paper.
    • Please indicate what paper(s) you are using as the basis for your project in your project proposal.
    • If you do a paper presentation, it may be a good idea to focus the project on such paper.

The output of the project must be: 1) a PDF report describing the problem, the solution and the results of the implementation, 2) a video showing a demo of the HRI task.

Report and video must be submitted through the Google Classroom system (not by email).

Using a real robot (in particular, the Pepper robot) will allow to aim at the maximum score.

Discussion with the teachers to identify a good project will be possible during the lectures.