Human-Robot Interaction

Prof. Luca Iocchi

DIAG, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

A.Y. 2023/2024


Prof. Luca Iocchi (Home page)

Dipartimento di Ingegneria informatica automatica e gestionale “Antonio Ruberti”

Università di Roma “La Sapienza”

Via Ariosto 25, Roma 00185, Italy.

Room B116


In e-mail messages, please use the prefix "[HRI]" to the subject.


Lectures will start on February 26, 2024 

Monday 17.00 - 19.00 - Via Ariosto 25, Room A2
Thursday 15.00 - 19.00 - Via Ariosto 25, Room A5-A6

Office hours (see teacher's home page for details)


Schedule information and lecture slides are available through the Google Classroom system.

IMPORTANT  - Read before registering to Classroom -   Registration with classroom system will reveal to all the subscribers (i.e., teachers and other students) your name and photo used in your Google account. Please make sure the account you use to register to classroom contains relevant, appropriate and privacy-preserving information (e.g., just your first and last name or matricola code), as they will be used also for the evaluation.

Enroll key   d6h2rsn

Description of the course

The course gives 3 CFU and is a section of

Elective in Artificial Intelligence

given within

Master in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics


Applications involving robots interacting with people are gaining increasing interest.

The course will provide an overview of recent methods and techniques for Human-Robot Interaction and Social Robotics. Several interaction modalities will be discussed in the course, including: vision, speech, body motion, user interfaces, etc.
