When you choose the name of a course to register for the exam, all scheduled sessions are shown, so that you can register for one of them. The leftmost line is the code of the session report containing the final marks for a certain session. This is an information that is seldom interesting for you. The session is identified by the sixth column (Session Date) so that you have to register ("prenota") according to the chosen date. You find below a translation and some explanation of the column headers, that may be useful for all exams (see image below).

Report Code - Credits (associated to the course and gained by taking the exam) - Course of Study (it is the code of the Master program in Computer Science, where you are enrolled, therefore it is the same for all exams in your study plan) - Teacher - Faculty ( the group of university departments that offers the set of programs including our Master Program, i.e., Information Engineering, Informatics and Statistics) - Session date (this is the important information to choose where to register) - Starting date for registering to the exam session - Ending date for registering to the exam session.

The two following buttons are "prenota" and "vedi note". "prenota" has an obvious meaning. "vedi note" may be important because it is often the case that teachers put there some further information on exam modalities.

Here is a screenshot