Bottom line... Learning is restricted if you are not at school! Attendance is a priority at La Quinta Middle - STEM Academy! We hope it is also a priority in your family.
We all know that attendance affects a student's success at school. It is, therefore, essential that you attend school regularly and that you are on time to every class. Each day a student is absent, it results in the loss of state funding of approximately $44.00 to the school district. However, it is not the money that I personally care about, but the academic success and growth of your child.
v When you are absent for a reason that is acceptable by law (illness, medical/dental appointment, observance of a religious holiday, or family emergency), a written note or phone call from your parent or guardian to the school is required.
v When you are absent for a legitimate reason, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check with your teachers at an appropriate time to make up any work missed.
v If you know you are going to miss class or you are absent for three days or more, you may call and request homework assignments from one of our office staff.
o 3 unexcused absences = First truancy notice
o 4th unexcused absence= Second truancy notice
o 5th unexcused absence= Referral to Student Attendance Review Board.
o Missing 10% of the school year whether excused or unexcused may result in a truancy notice.
o 3 Tardies = 1 Unexcused Absence
v If you are late to any other class, you are to report to that class. Do not come to the office for a tardy pass. Your teacher will mark you tardy.
v If you are late to any class, it not only affects your success in that class but also the success of others who must wait until you get settled into the class before their learning can continue.
v Tardiness negatively affects your privilege to participate in sports and other extra-curricular activities (dances, drama, music, etc.).
v While the state only accepts illness and medical appointments as "excused" tardies, we can provide an excused tardy to a student for extenuating circumstances as long as this is not abused.
• In an effort to be as effective as possible and to create a school culture where promptness is viewed as important, teachers are asked to do the following:
• Contact parents AND Assistant Principal when students are consistently coming tardy to your class.
• Assistant Principal will track and follow up on student tardies and attendance.
• Five tardies – Meet with Assistant Principal, parent contact, receive a referral, assigned to lunch detention.
• Ten tardies – Meet with Assistant Principal, parent contact, receive a referral, complete an Attendance/Tardy Contract, assigned to lunch detention.
• Fifteen tardies – Meet with Assistant Principal, parent conference, referral, and lunch detention.