Classroom Rules

Our Classroom Rules and Expectations

Here are the class rules we came up with together in the first weeks of school. We also talked about our hopes for this school year and how these rules will help us achieve our hopes or goals for learning.

We will try to do these things to help each other reach our hope for the year and our dream for the future:

1.    We will treat others the way we want to be treated. Be kind!

2.    We will listen to the teacher and follow directions.

3.    We will focus and do our best work.

4.    We will use self-control.

5. We will keep our room clean.

We think we can learn to make better choices if:

1.    We will remind each other of our rules.

2.    We try to talk nicely and work it out.

3.    A teacher can help us take time to think and write so we can remember what to do.

4.   We can work or write at free choice time.

5.   We can write a letter home so our family can help us.