Discipline Plan

1. Classroom rules are generated with our students. We will consider "hopes and dreams" for this year to see what kinds of guidelines are needed to accomplish our goals for the year. The rules will be posted.

2. We will identify and model behavior that follows our rules. How does the behavior look, sound and feel?

3. When a rule is not followed there will be a reminder. We will use a "take a break" plan. A student will have a short break to regain their composure, rethink their behavior and recommit to doing the right thing. The student is then invited to rejoin the group. Ideally this is done with little or no interruption to the group or activity. Everyone will have the opportunity to "take a break".

4. A Yellow Fix It Plan is for chronic behaviors...a way to communicate serious behaviors that interrupt learning; may or may not be accompanied by a phone call home. These behaviors include but are not limited to breaking school rules, attention problems, homework etc.

A Pink Slip is for serious issues which require teacher/parent/student action including rule infractions, dangerous behavior, repeat offences. These very often come from outside the classroom and are given by other staff.

5. When a child feels hurt or wronged. We utilize a conflict resolution process. They practice assertiveness by telling another person what they would like them to try to change and why. An adult helps them with this process.

Our Plan is to understand the behavior expectations that guide a learning community, revisit them often by modeling and re-modeling them. We want to ensure that we have a classroom where quality work can be accomplished, a safe and healthy atmosphere prevails and opportunities to make personal choices are treasured!