Principles of Computer Science (Mobile CSP)

This class can be taken for college credit through Southwest State University or high school credit only.

The Mobile Computer Science Principles course ( provides an introduction to the basic principles of computer science (CS) from the perspective of mobile computing, including programming in App Inventor, a graphical programming language for Android mobile devices. The lessons and materials used by students incorporate programming while also integrating all other CSP big ideas: creativity, abstraction, data and information, algorithms, the internet and global impact. The curriculum engages students and supports the development of problem solving skills, honing in on the computational thinking practices as indicated in the CSP curriculum framework. Students learn to create socially useful computational artifacts using App Inventor as well as connect computing and learning about abstraction as they develop and analyze their programs. The curriculum also emphasizes communication and collaboration in a project-based approach. This course involves a strong writing component. Students will maintain a portfolio of their work, which will include several performance tasks in the areas of programming and the impact of computing technology.

Syllabus - Mobile CSP