
Each weekly journal is a creative writing assignment that should be at least 1 page in length about the topic.

1. Personal Narrative - create your own about YOU :)

2. GO Pro Journal- Go Pro Grand Canyon (video is found here) Tell a story about what you observe. You may take the role of the camera, balloon, give the before story, etc.

3. Eagle Cam - Eagle Cam POV (video is found here BIRD VIEW here )Tell a story as if you were the eagle. Think of your senses and description words

4. Apply one of the "Essential Question"- Give examples, make connections, or create a story about it (1. How can we interpret analyze, and evaluate truth? / What is the significance of determining the historical and cultural perspective in the texts we read? / How can you write to clearly convey your ideas about a topic?)

5. Character - Describe your favorite character: Who are they, what do they look like, how do they act, what do they say, where do they live, etc. THINK CHARACTER TRAITS

6. Free write- Write about anything!

7. Pride- DIRECTIONS HERE Give examples, make connections, or create a story about it

8. Halloween - Tell about why some people do or do not celebrate/ make up a story/ talk about your favorite Halloween and why

9. Setting the clocks back - Tell us about what it is; why we do this; make up a story; tell of past experiences with this

10. Sharing- DIRECTIONS HERE Give examples, make connections, or create a story about it

11. Metamorphosis - Tell us what it is; create a story; dissect the word and tell us the meaning using the roots

12. Cornucopia - Tell us what it means; create a story; how do you celebrate it this holiday

13. Winter Solstice - What is it; where did it originate from?; create a story

14. Pax In Terra - What is it; where did it originate from?; create a story

15. Caring- What is it; where did it originate from?; create a story Directions HERE


16. Goals...New year new you: Make goals for 2016. Why are you choosing those goals? How are you going to work towards keeping them? What will happen if you don’t make them? How will you be loyal to yourself to help achieve these goals?

17. Fairness- Give examples, make connections, or create a story about it Read Here

18. Empathy Journal- Give examples, make connections, or create a story about it

19. Nature vs. Nurture- (2 pages)Explain what it is, talk about studies, make connections, create a story

20. Friendship - Give examples, make connections, or create a story about it

21. "Oh, the places you'll go" - reflect on goals you have had and make goals for the future and write about it. Where will you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? How will you get there? (2 pages - 2 weeks)

22. "In like a lion; out like a lamb" - Explain what that saying means. Research where is came from. How can it relate to the month of March?

23. Self Responsibility; VIEW HERE create a story

24. Tempus Fugit:What is it; where did it originate from?; create a story

25. 40 % RULE: VIDEO prompt: DIRECTIONS (below) CLIP

26. Write a journal entry to yourself 10 years from now (2 pages)

27. Sensitivity Give examples, make connections, or create a story about it

28. Look at a picture and tell a story about it SEE BELOW TO DOWNLOAD

29. Connections

30. What is your favorite room and why?

31. I'll find a way or I will make a way.: Explain what it is, talk about studies, make connections, create a story

32. Memorial Day? Explain what it is, make connections, create a story

33. This year? - What did you like? dislike? Did you meet your goals? What goals will you make next year? What will you remember most/