PE Attire

Physical Education Attire


I hope your child’s school year has gotten off to a good start.  This note is to remind parents and students of our PE attire policy.  Physical education students are asked to dress in a way that allows for full participation in all class activities. Any outfit that allows for students to run, jump and tumble should work! Please refrain from dressing your child in a dress or baggy clothing on physical education days.  Safe footwear is important. We ask that students bring a pair of clean sneakers to school that will be only used on indoor PE days. These sneakers should be left at school and put on before indoor PE classes and taken off after classes are over. Clean sneakers help preserve our beautiful gymnasium floor.

On outdoor PE days students should try to wear footwear to school that allows them to run safely. Crocs, sandals and flats are not the safest option.  We realize that sneakers are expensive and feet grow fast! If your child needs a pair of sneakers please let us know. We have many pairs donated each year that we are more than happy to give to any parent or student who requests them.

Thanks for helping keep our school in good shape and the students safe!

Mr. Pearson