Grading and Standards

Our 8 Purple grading philosophy aligns with the district's philosophy, which is; a student's grade should be considered using the most recent, most important and most comprehensive assessments. Therefore, grades are not averaged. The primary goals of grading and reporting are to communicate 1) what each student knows and is able to do in relation to curriculum content, which is aligned to District content standards and checkpoints and 2) the influence of positive and consistent work habits and behavior on student learning.  All course work (Math 8, Algebra 1 and Honors Geometry) is aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards for Mathematics.

Content Grades

A/4 =Student exceeds standards/checkpoints for this content standard.

B/3 =Student meets standards/checkpoints for this content standard.

C/2 =Student inconsistently meets standards/checkpoints for this content standard.  This is NOT passing.

D/1 =Student does not meet standards/checkpoints for this content standard-interventions necessary.  This is NOT passing.

I = Insufficient Evidence / Interventions necessary for standards/checkpoints for this content standard.

Test retakes:  On some assessments (students will be notified in advance) students will be able to retake the assessment if they do not earn a passing grade (3 or 4).  Taking a retake requires students to complete additional practice and to conference with me.  The highest grade a student can earn on a retake is a 3.  Students will NOT be able to retake all assessments.  It is best to study and ask questions BEFORE the assessment.

Work Habit Grades (Prepared ,Engaged, Accountable, Kind)

A/4 = Exceeding Expectations: Achieves PEAK with no teacher reminders

B/3 = Meeting Expectations: Achieves PEAK with minimal teacher interactions/reminders

C/2 = Progressing Towards Expectations: Needs regular teacher interactions/reminders to achieve PEAK

U/1 = Not Meeting Expectations: Rarely achieving PEAK even with teacher interactions/reminders

TO EARN A 3 in PEAK You must meet the following expectations with minimal teacher interactions/reminders

P *arrive on time  * come with required materials  *take initiative to get started

E *participate-follow instructions from the teacher with one or no prompts  * stay focused-complete expected task with one or no prompts  *have a growth mindset-use tools, persist in tasks, ask questions

A *turn work in on time  *own your actions/be honest  *use the internet and technology as directed by your teacher

K *be kind with your words and actions towards others  *use appropriate language

Grading Homework:  Homework will be graded for completion and accuracy.  A grade of less than a 3 in means that there are still areas you need to work on.  The assignment can be corrected and resubmitted to have the grade raised to a 3.  A late or incomplete assignment will receive a grade of 2 or 1.  The highest grade for late/incomplete assignments is a 2.