Part 2: Survival Skills

How do people adapt (skills, tools, thinking) in order to survive?

How does one’s mindset/thinking determine his/her survival?

How do past events impact one's future?


  • When exploring a website, examine the site carefully (including toolbars) to access all possible information.

Survival Skills

  • Regardless of the extreme situation, you may find yourself in one day, your survival may depend on knowing basic survival skills.
  • Today, you are going to gather information about these SEVEN basic survival skills.
  • Record your findings on the provided handout.

A. Basic Survival Skills:

  • Use the web sites below to determine the SEVEN basic elements of survival.
  • Give a brief definition/explanation of the importance of each element.
      • Put your research information on the provided handout.

Basic Survival Skills

Basic Survival Skills

Outdoor Survival Skills

7 Enemies of Survival

B. Out of the SEVEN basic elements of survival, one skill is more important than any other: ATTITUDE

      • Use the following websites to determine why a good ATTITUDE is so important in surviving a disaster.
      • Get as much information as you can; you will need this research for future tasks.

Psychological Aspects of Survival

The Attitude of Survival