Humanities Resources

Welcome to Mr. Spencer P. Woods's web page for Humanities!

Why Take Humanities?

For help preparing yourself for college and the workplace consider:

NOTE: College credit for Humanities will, for the time being, not be an option at HRHS after the 2017-2018 school year because of changes to accreditation requirements at the college level. 

Make-up Work Policy

A student will be given one class day to make up work for each excused day of absence, plus one additional day. For example, if a student misses three days of class, she will have four days to make up the work. This policy does not apply for a long-term assignments with a due date given prior to the absence. Long-term assignments are due on the due date even if you have an excused absence on the due date; no extensions.

If work is not made up before the make-up deadline (length of absence plus one day), the score will be changed from M to 0, and the student loses the ability to make it up!

Seniors and Transferring Students - Don't Leave Your Work Behind

Use Google Takeout to download and transfer all of the content you created with your DCSD Google Account before your access is shut off when you leave the district. Just follow the instructions linked here for Google Takeout

Contact Mr. Woods:

email:  or (both go to same place)

phone: 303-387-2500