
Periods 3 & 7

Google Classroom Codes

Period 5: gdbz2v7

Period 7: 5yvbyp5

Supplies needed for class: Sketchbook


Baby wipes (if possible)

Art Teacher: Bradford Waldrip

Monday August 24, 2020. #1 warm up drawingsPeriod 1: B Cohort, Warm Up Drawings. Please spend at least 5 minutes drawing each topic. House, backpack & bicycle. Follow directions listed below.Period 2: B Cohort, Warm Up Drawings. Please spend at least 5 minutes drawing each topic. House, backpack & bicycle. Follow directions listed below.Period 5: B Cohort, Warm Up Drawings. Please spend at least 5 minutes drawing each topic. House, backpack & bicycle. Follow directions listed below.Directions: In your sketchbook or blank piece of paper, draw each topic. Each topic should be on a seperate piece of paper. You need to spend at least 5 minutes on each drawing. Draw with a pencil. Please draw with care and quality.Due: Next in person day. You will show your drawings to Mr. Waldrip during class.
Tuesday August 25, 2020 #1 warm up drawingsPeriod 1: A Cohort, Warm Up Drawings. Please spend at least 5 minutes drawing each topic. House, backpack & bicycle. Follow directions listed below.Period 2: A Cohort, Warm Up Drawings. Please spend at least 5 minutes drawing each topic. House, backpack & bicycle. Follow directions listed below.Period 5: A Cohort, Warm Up Drawings. Please spend at least 5 minutes drawing each topic. House, backpack & bicycle. Follow directions listed below.Directions: In your sketchbook or blank piece of paper, draw each topic. Each topic should be on a seperate piece of paper. You need to spend at least 5 minutes on each drawing. Draw with a pencil. Please draw with care and quality.Due: Next in person day. You will show your drawings to Mr. Waldrip during class.