Covid Health & Safety

Our adjusted operating plan includes the following health and safety guidelines:

    • Health survey and temp checks for all staff and students.

    • Outside drop-off and pick-up.

    • Increased hand washing - Staff and students will wash hands upon arrival and at regular intervals throughout the day.

    • Distancing - Students will be reminded of the importance of distancing,

    • Masks are required for all staff and students unless eating or outside.

    • Extensive cleaning and disinfecting of common areas and touch-points before, after and during program hours.

    • Students must bring water bottles to school, as drinking fountains are no longer available, only bottle fillers are now available.

DCSD Health & Safety Guidance:

Staff and students will be required to complete a daily symptom check at home before arriving at work or school. Those with a temp of 100.0 degrees or higher are asked to stay home.

If any of the following symptoms are present, keep the child home, inform the school of symptoms, and reach out to a health care provider for Covid testing and next steps for treatment.

    • Feeling feverish, having chills or a temp of 100.4 or higher

    • Shortness of breath

    • Difficulty breathing

    • Loss of taste or smell

    • Fatigue

    • Muscle aches

    • Headaches

    • Sore throat

    • Runny nose or congestion

    • Nausea or vomiting

    • Diarrhea

Should students or staff begin to feel ill during the school day, they will be asked to be picked up or to return home.

How sick Is Too Sick

District FAQs

District face mask guidelines

CO state information