Important Materials/Documents

LA Horizon Information

If you are on this page, you are looking at information for LA... expectations with passes, homework, classroom rules and respect, and other pertinent information. Read on and do not hesitate to email me with any questions.


  • Respect for all!

  • Respect your peers' comments and thinking... we're all in this together.

  • No phones or listening devices unless otherwise notified (we will have days where we can listen to music, and days where research can be done on devices).

  • No earbuds unless otherwise notified. If I see them (tucked into your shirt, coming up out of your shirt, etc.) I will take them.

  • One person speaks at a time. We will have some great discussions throughout the year, please listen before you speak.

  • Please sit in your assigned seat, and place your materials that are not being used underneath the desk.


  • Risk everything! There are no limits to what is possible this year. Your thoughts and actions speak volumes of who you are as an individual. You can literally do anything that you put your mind to.

  • Remember: "Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit."- e.e. cummings


  • Homework is assigned periodically, and the only one thing that you will be required to do daily is read your self-selected books. However, when homework is assigned, whether it is a nightly assignment, or a 2 week assignment, the expectation is that you turn the work in on time and complete the way it is assigned. If you are sick the assignment will be due the day you return (however, if the assignment is due through Google Docs it is always due on the day it is due). If you are traveling and know about it previously, please set something up with me BEFORE you leave. This will be a great year!


  • If you are going to the library to check out a book or print, or independent work, you will be required to have a pass with you.

  • Please, use the restroom or get water in between classes. If you need to use the restroom, no worries. 1 person at time:)


  • Keep in mind, we are in this together. You may ask me anything you deem important during any of the units we do. Challenge yourselves, me, and each other. This year is going to be wonderful!