Course descriptions

Ordered by course offering

Your Leadership Journey

This course arms a new or prospective leader with the knowledge and skills they need to confront the challenges they face early in their leader career. The course encourages the learner to think about the transitions that newer leaders face and how to handle those challenges. They are introduced to three leadership differentiators that are most important to building a positive reputation as well as contributing to the organization’s success.

  • Reduce the stress associated with the shift to leading others.

  • Act with authenticity to build trust.

  • Bring out the best in others to enhance engagement and capacity.

  • Look for and accept feedback with grace.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People with 360 Benchmark information

A 7 Habits Benchmark is administered before participants complete The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People module and again six months later. This is a 360-degree feedback tool that measures individual effectiveness and provides an action-oriented approach to personal development. This course provides:

  • Holistic approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness

  • Empowering individuals to significantly increase performance capability

  • Purpose to move toward a mission

Inspiring Trust

Leaders learn that trust begins with them. Class objectives include:

  • Learn how to build, restore, extend and maintain trust

  • Increase influence through greater trust and trustworthiness

  • Understand the connection between trust and results

Continuous Quality Improvement-Project Based

The Continuous Quality Improvement-Project Based course provides an understanding of the process improvement cycle by using Plan-Do-Study-Act and how it drives continuous improvement. Leadership Institute concludes with a project presentation of the participants choosing. Leaders will learn:

  • Basic quality tools

  • Application to a process/project for their work environment

  • Project presentation for the Leadership Institute

Crucial Accountability

This course teaches supervisors at all level of the organization how to:

Hold anyone accountable, regardless of position or personality.

  • Begin any performance discussion on the right foot-avoiding defensiveness and costly arguments.

  • Diagnose the underlying causes of misaligned or bad behavior.

  • Motivate without using power and enable without taking over.