7th Grade Wellness Documents

Digital Citizenship Quiz

  1. What is emotional intelligence?
  2. How do you develop your emotional intelligence?
  3. What should you do if someone is bullying you on social media?
  4. Before you post anything on social media, what should you do?
  5. Social media is "Your" business... T or F
  6. What percent of social media is false?
  7. What process/method should you use to determine if information is accurate and reliable?
  8. The five closet people to you have the most ________________on you.....
  9. What is sexting?
  10. Things you post on social media will stick to you forever ___________you can't erase it. T or F

Vocabulary Words for Alcohol Unit

  1. Alcohol
  2. Cirrhosis
  3. BAC
  4. Binge Drinking
  5. Intoxication
  6. Relapse
  7. Oxidation
  8. Detoxification
  9. Sobriety
  10. Chugging
  11. Alcoholics Anonymous
  12. Alcoholism
  13. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  14. Depressant
  15. Judgement


6 Pillars of Character

  1. Respect
  2. Responsibility
  3. Caring
  4. Fairness
  5. Trustworthiness
  6. Good Citizenship

4 C's

  1. Communication
  2. Cooperation
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. Creativity

The Golden Rule

*Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


*Your character is the product of your values and choices.


*What is right and wrong.


*Simply what matters to you.

I Will Understand...

    • Concepts of good character and ethics refer to principles that establish the standard for right and wrong.
    • That these standards will define morality and prescribe how a good person should act
    • That ethical duties and moral obligations are different/sometimes more demanding than legal duties (eg.. the deliberate and open violation of unjust laws)
    • Ethics and Values are not interchangeable terms.

- Ethics concerns what is right and wrong

- Values are simply what matters to us

A person of CHARACTER has deeply held ethical values and acts consistently!

Be a person of good CHARACTER!!!

Character Unit Pre-Test


Answers to Pre Test

  1. 3rd answer
  2. T
  3. F
  4. 2nd answer
  5. T
  6. 1st answer
  7. T
  8. 1st answer
  9. 4th answer
  10. 2nd answer
  11. 3rd answer
  12. 1st answer
  13. 3rd answer
  14. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
  15. T

Click on link below.

2017 Create a yoga/dance, or workout routine

Monday March 6th in class assignment


Dinner conversation homework due Tuesday, March 7th.


Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs

Click here

Why do some people make decisions that are best for their wellness and others do not?

  • Some people are confident and some aren't.
  • Laziness
  • Some people don't care about their well being.
  • Family and peer influences (positive and negative influences)
  • Misconceptions
  • Haven't been taught the best ways to make decisions about their wellness.
  • Haven't been told how important making healthy food choices is.
  • People use food as comfort.
  • Bad role models.
  • Bad relationships
  • Bad TV shows
  • They don't understand the end result
  • Stress
  • Some people don't know what best for them and what is not.
  • Addiction
  • Family issues
  • Habits
  • Disorders
  • They don't understand what they are doing to their bodies
  • Financial
  • Self-confidence or lacking of self-confidence
  • Self-control
  • Time
  • Internal influences
  • Self-motivation


  • Body Image
  • Health Triangle
  • Communication
  • Stress
  • Drugs: Alcohol and Tobacco
  • HIV/Disease Prevention
  • Eating Disorders
  • Influences
  • 1st Aid/Personal Safety/Internet Safety
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Nutrition
  • Team Building
  • Self-Regulation
  • Empathy
  • SHARES Model
  • Journey Learning
  • Goal Setting
  • Colors

Please open this folder for Individuality Project

Please open this folder for Eating Disorders

Please open this folder for Nutrition

Please open this folder for Body Image material

1. CMS Writing Musts

-write legibly

-capitalize first letter of sentence

-punctuate end of sentence

-complete sentences

-spell words provided correctly

2. Use Organizational strategy

3. First person narrative written with “heart” and honestly

4. Elaboration, Examples

5. Include sufficient, accurate Wellness Content presented and discussed in Wellness



Critical Thinking “So What?”

*Delivering Oral Presentations: focused, clear, appropriate descriptors, facts, details, examples, eye contact, volume, pronunciation, preparation

*Creative Production & Innovation: ideas result in creation of a product or presentation; high degree of adaptability

*Self-Regulation: able to reflect on own thought process strengths, and weaknesses, connects to the “Gift” theme

What is Health?

A combination of physical, mental, emotional and social health. Biological aspects of the body, understanding emotions, to eating right, to assessing risks, to having health relationships with others and so much more. A person’s overall condition of the body, mind, relationships with others.

Mental and emotional Health is the condition of a person’s mind. Having a strong sense of health, understanding your emotions, managing stress effectively and making responsible decisions all contribute to having good mental and emotional health.

Mental Health is one of the top 10 major health concerns in the United States. The condition of a person’s mind and the ways that a person expresses feelings, allowing that person to participate in productive activities, have fulfilling relationships, and be able to adapt to change and cope with difficult times

Physical, taking care of your body: exercise, weight management, eating healthy meals, healthy snacks, avoiding disease, strong heart, strong muscles, endurance, flexibility, getting enough rest, getting regular medical/dental checkups, healthy bones, etc.

Social, getting along with other people: making friends, maintaining positive relationships, being a caring family member, keeping friends, giving support when needed, being able to communicate effectively, being part of a team, joining clubs or activities, working at a job, etc.

Mental/emotional, liking and accepting yourself for who you are: finding solutions to problems, expressing emotions in a healthy way, finding positive ways to handle stress, understanding your feelings, being confident, knowing who you are, positive self-esteem, not giving in to peer pressure, etc.

What is health triangle?

The health triangle represents physical, social and mental health, which needs to be balanced to achieve total health. The three equal sides of the triangle symbolize that all three factors must be equal.

What is physical health?

This is usually the most neglected side of the triangle. Some people tend to overeat while others eat unhealthy foods. There are also people who keep on working long hours without getting needed rest. Most people are too busy with other things that they don’t have time to exercise. Proper rest, exercise and healthy foods are needed to have a good physical health. You can do this by choosing the right foods you eat. If you don’t have time to go to the gym, you can spend a few minutes or hours each day for a simple walk or jog. Avoid staying up late especially when there are no urgent things to do.

What is social health?

Some people also find it hard to keep a healthy social life. Those who tend to overwork can’t find quality time to spend with their friends and family. If you find the balance for each factor, it will be easier to manage your relationship with other people. If you’re schedule at work is too hectic, a simple e-mail, call or text message will do to keep relationships healthy. But make sure to be there personally if possible.

What is mental health?

It deals with your mind and emotions. It’s the way you think, feel and adjust with situations that you may face in your life. With all the challenges that come along the way, stress is one of the biggest problems that people face. Learning how to deal with it can help you become mentally healthy.

All three factors of the health triangle are important. Do not focus on just one side and neglect the others. Rather, work on getting the balance for each side and live a healthy life on all aspects.

Mental/Emotional Health*

Mental and emotional Health is the condition of a person’s mind. Having a strong sense of health, understanding your emotions, managing stress effectively and making responsible decisions all contribute to having good mental and emotional health.

Mental Health is one of the top 10 major health concerns in the United States. The condition of a person’s mind and the ways that a person expresses feelings, allowing that person to participate in productive activities, have fulfilling relationships, and be able to adapt to change and cope with difficult times.

When we talk about mental and emotional health, we know that our attitudes, sense of self, values, self-confidence, and self-respect are all important parts of our emotional wellness.

Sense of self is how a person thinks and feels about him/herself. How you treat others and what you do in life often has its roots in your own sense of self.

4 parts to sense of self:

1. Values, deep beliefs that guide one’s actions.

2. Self-respect, having high regard for yourself (not conceited).

3. Attitude, how you see the world most of the time.

4. Self-confidence, having faith in yourself and knowing you can handle what comes your way.

INFLUENCES are anyone and anything that has the ability to sway your thoughts and actions. There are 2 types:

1. Internal (coming from inside your self)

2. External (coming from the outside)

Examples of external influences: environment i.e. family, friends, teachers, adults- when these people support and encourage you and let you know they care about you, they are a positive influence on your sense of self. If these people put you down, gossip about you, manipulate or disrespect you, they are negative influences on your sense of self.

Other examples of external influences can include the media, belonging to a team, TV or other forms of entertainment, etc.

Examples of internal influences: your conscious, your thoughts and beliefs.

When your conscious helps you to do the right thing, or motivates you to work hard it is a positive influence. When your conscious is critical, or judges, it is negative, i.e. “I’m a failure.”

Influences on Participation in Physical Activity

Click HERE for textbook pages on Influences if you want more information.

Internal influences may include:

Enjoyment - Likes and Dislikes: If you like or enjoy an activity, then you will probably do it again. However, if you don't enjoy an activity, you are less likely to participate in it.

Satisfaction: If you obtain happiness, gratification or pleasure from participating in a sport or an exercise, then you will likely do it again.

Motivation: If you are motivated to reach a particular goal, such as winning the city championship or running thirty minutes without stopping, you will more than likely continue that activity in order to reach your goal.

Fear: Fear might inhibit some people from doing something they might want to do.

Curiosity: Curiosity might spur some people to try something that they normally wouldn't try.

External influences may include:

Family Activities: Family functions or activities may affect physical activity choices. For example, if your family does a lot of camping or hiking, you may enjoy that.

Brother or Sister Participation: Some people may be interested or uninterested in a sport or activity because their brothers or sisters do it. They are then exposed to the sport and may or may not like it.

Peer Influences: Sometimes people get involved in a sport or activity because their friends are involved in it.

Media Influence: TV, radio, magazines, newspapers all of these are forms of media. Watching, listening or reading advertisements, infomercials, sports shows, etc. may affect choices. For example, if your favorite sports star is Michael Jordan, you might decide to play basketball. Or a popular actor might advertise a particular exercise product on TV and because of that you are curious about it.

Emotional Problems: The Big Three, what are they?

A mental disorder is a mental or emotional condition that makes it difficult for a person to live a normal life. A mental disorder can be caused by a chemical imbalance, change in brain structure, or genetics.



Eating disorders

These are the three most common emotional/mental problems for teens.

1 of 5 kids ages 9-17 experience symptoms of mental health problems. Between ¼ and 1/3 of high school students said they felt so hopeless for two weeks or more that they stopped their usual activities.

Left untreated, mental health disorders can lead to outcomes such as suicide, violence, school dropout, family conflict, jail, and alcohol and drug use/abuse.

Sources: National institute of mental health 1999.

EATING DISORDERS are illnesses with a biological basis influenced by emotional and social or cultural factors.


Treatment for an emotional or mental health problem starts with counseling or psychotherapy. Talking with someone who is trained to help with mental and emotional problems is tremendously helpful. Sometimes counseling is supplemented with prescription medication.

Hotline, or a telephone help line.

Therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists.


What values are important to you? Which ones do you need to work on? Which ones are already important parts of your self?

Listed below are a number of values. Write the value in the column “Already part of me,” if you currently posses that value. Write the value in the column “Important to develop,” if you think it is important for you to develop or that you think you need to improve that value.

If there are value choices that are not particularly important to you, you do not need to write them in either column.


Compassionate, self-determined, responsible, persistent, trust, secure, polite, critical, confident, courageous, patient, faithful, enthusiastic, disciplined, ambitious, truthful, loyal, generous, loving, helpful, hurtful, empathetic, hard-working, respectful, self-directed, kind, motivated, peaceful

