New to the District?

Please complete the Online Registration Form to enroll your student.

Already live in DCSD?

If you currently live in Cimarron's boundaries and your student is enrolled at a charter or other DCSD school, or you live in the boundaries of another middle school, please apply for Open Enrollment through August 1, 2022.

All other registration inquiries, please call


22-23 School Supply List

Summer Office Hours

July 25

Resume Regular Office Hours in Building

Express Check-In

Express Check-In for the 22-23 School year will open as soon as the DCSD IT Team can pivot to plan B. Once open, all parents need to log into Express Check In to complete the new school year check-in process. Thank you for your patience.

Please check your Parent Portal login still works here. If you are unable to log in, don't remember your login information, or need to set up an account, please click here.