Health: Ebola

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What is a challenge Africa has, what is its impact, and what can be done about it?

During this project you will...

  • CONNECT to the topic by watching the video below:

  • CHOOSE one topic you want to learn more about.

    • Each topic has its own webpage full of information you will use (see top of page)


    • Create questions you think you will need to answer to understand your topic and how impacts/affects Africa.


    • Using ONLY the credible/reliable sources we provide (NO Google searches),

      • find the answers to your questions

      • paraphrase (put into your own words and sentence structure) what you learned

      • Tell me where you found your information


    • Finally, after finding all your information, write about your topic or create a Google Slides presentation to teach someone about your topic. Be sure to include:

      • What is the challenge Africa has?

      • What is its impact?

      • What is a solution?


How has Ebola affected Africa?

Answer your questions using these CREDIBLE sources

Credible sources with information on the problem

1. First, CONNECT to your topic by watching the video below...

2. Second, use encyclopedias to complete your question tables... (keyword: Ebola)

3. Third, use some of these reliable resources... (No Google searches)

Excellent summary about Ebola from The Week Nov 21, 2014

National Geographic Article on Finding Homes for Ebola's Orphans

Article about Ebola found in ScienceWorld Magazine. Copy and paste this citation: Adams, Jacqueline. "BATTLING EBOLA. (Cover Story)." Science World 71.6 (2014): 6. Middle Search Plus. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.

To answer the question, why is Ebola such a challenge for Africa, try looking up the Health of countries in Africa (such as Liberia) in Culture Grams.

E-Book - Ebola

Book titled Ebola by Shelley Bueche. Use this ISBN to create the citation: 9780737717808

Two articles from Newsela (Use Clever then link):

Articles from Junior Scholastic and UpFront Magazine:

This is a very useful Website from the Centers for Disease Control

Check out this very interesting graphic on infectious disease: graphic

We have books too.

      • When accessing the databases from home, you may have to enter your Douglas County Library card number and PIN (which is the last four digits of your phone number).

Learn what can be done using CREDIBLE sources

Here are some solutions to the problem and organizations trying to help

Doctors Without Borders

World Health Organization Ebola Response Roadmap

American Red Cross Responds

You may also find solutions in the credible/reliable sources to the left


  • Most books on your topic are already on the cart ready for you to use. Bibliography of books available in our Learning Commons.