

Please know that any teacher, coach, sponsor, or student wanting to raise funds must seek permission from their administrator before starting any part of the process.  If Davis County CSD will be used in any part of the activity (ex.  facilities, employees, students, electronic devices, email, etc), permission for the fundraising activity must be approved by the administrator first and be placed on the fundraiser calendar.  This includes but not limited to school sponsored activities or non-school sponsored activities (ex. A Club, Music Boosters, PIE, PTO, etc) where our facilities, students, employees, electronic devices, email, etc will be used to participate or promote the fundraising activity.  The purpose is to ensure we are not over stressing our community with fundraisers at any given time.

The best type of fundraisers are ones that provide a service to our local community.  If vendors are needed to support the fundraising activity, employees are encouraged to use local vendors when possible, which supports board policy.  

Fundraising - Getting Started

1. Teachers/Coaches/Sponsors/Students determine they want to do a fundraiser

    a. What kind of fundraiser would they like to do?

    b. Why do they want to raise the funds?

    c. How much do they want to raise?

    d. How long will the fundraiser last?

2. Complete a fundraiser request form (attached below).

    a. Be as specific as possible

    b. You must have the building administrator's approval before fundraising begins

3. Complete an e-req(s) for the vendor(s) you will purchase from.

    a. Board policy states a purchase order number must be obtained before an order is placed. 

    b. If the vendor(s) is not in the system, email Alicia with vendor name, address, phone & fax numbers.

    c. Estimate the amount you think will be spent. This amount can be adjusted when the invoice is paid.

4. Turn in fundraiser money to the buildings daily.

    a. This is board policy.

    b. It decreases the possibility of theft.

    c. It decreases the possibility of personal liability.

    d. Checks are deposited right away so those supporting your fundraiser are not waiting for checks to clear. This also reduces the risk of non-sufficient funds & bank fees reducing the amounts of your fundraiser.

5. Keep records

    a. Keep track of who placed an order, what they ordered & if they paid.

Fundraising - Finishing the Fundraiser

1. Forward invoices to Central Office.

2. Submit verification you received the items.

    a. Let building secretary know items have been received and invoice is ready to be paid.

3. Complete the fundraiser reconciliation form (attached below).  


Fundraiser Request Form.pdf
Fundraiser Reconciliation.pdf