About Me

Ava and Nick at Santa Marinella Beach in Italy.
Ava at a Jojo Siwa concert this summer.
Nick lounging at the beach in his Italian hat.
A quick stop by the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy with my whole family.

I grew up in Darien and attended 3 out of the 5 elementary schools in town, Ox Ridge being one of them for 2nd grade. I still live in Darien with my wonderful family. I have two children, Ava (8) and Nick (6), as well as a dog, Kona (10). Ava is a third grader at Ox Ridge, and she is in Mrs. Collins's class. Nick is a first grader at Ox Ridge, and he is in Miss Dineen's class.

During my free time, I love to read, go for runs outside and on my treadmill, go for walks and bike rides at Highland Farms in Darien, bake delicious chocolate chip cookies, go to the park and playground with Ava and Nick, and read tons and tons of books to them, as well. This summer, my family and I continued our family tradition of growing our own vegetable garden. We have a vegetable garden box in our yard and have been growing tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. They have been delicious so far!!

This is my 19th year teaching at Ox Ridge School, and my third year as a third grade teacher. I am so excited for this school year and this new journey together with my new class in third grade. I have many family members who are also teachers. My brother, Ray, is a second grade teacher. He previously taught at Holmes School for 16 years, and he currently teaches in Ridgefield, CT. We share our ideas, strategies, and passion for teaching with each other every day!

I'm looking forward to learning more about each of you in the first few weeks of school!