
Daily Homework

Welcome to a new school year. Homework will be posted here on a daily basis. This year will be a little different as we will have in class and remote assignments. Please be patient as I work through a few different ideas I have to post both assignments. Homework will not start being assigned for the first week of school.

Specials by letter Day

A:PE, B: Music , C: WL , D: ART, E: Music , F: WL

Math: As we get back to the swing of math, please practice your multiplication facts 1 through 12 each night. Practice worksheets will be attached in google classroom.

Reading: 30 minutes per night of silent reading.

Currently reading: TBA

Books Read: TBA

Writing topic: Assignments for writing will be posted in google classroom


Social Studies:

Science: TBA

Parent Info:

Important Info for Parents: