
School Procedures

Stadley Rough Elementary School

Principal Leonard Cerlich

School Address and Phone Numbers

25 Karen Road, Danbury, CT 06811

The school phone number is 203-797-4774  

The fax number is 203-830-6520

School Hours 

Stadley Rough School hours are 8:25 to 3:00 PM.

Stadley's mission 2023-2024

School Website

The website is https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/str/home

Scheduled Early Dismissal (Conferences, PD Days)

•School Hours are 8:25 to 12:55 PM on scheduled early dismissal days like conferences and professional development days,

Weather/Emergency Early Dismissal

•School hours are 8:25 to 11:50 AM on weather-related/emergency dismissal days. 

•There is no ELP Program on these days.

•Parents will receive phone notification of these dismissals through Parent Square.  Please make sure your phone numbers are up-to-date with the office.

Delayed Opening (Two-Hours)

•School hours are 10:25 to 3:00 PM

Delayed Opening (Three-Hours)

•School hours are 11:25 to 3:00 PM

School Year

The school year is 180 days.  School Attendance is important for school success.  Children must be in school on time and must remain for the entire for maximum student success.  

School Attendance 

If your child is sick or needs to be out of school, you MUST call the school attendance line – 203-790-2819 by 9:00 AM.  You MUST call every day that your child is out and leave a message stating your child’s name, grade and reason for his/her absence.  If your child is sick, please be specific regarding your child’s illness.  Upon your child's return to school please be sure to supply a written note explaining your child's reason for absence.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Students who are being dropped off to school in the mornings should NOT be dropped off prior to 8 AM.  There is no adult supervision prior to that time.  All students must wait in the vestibule of the school, and will be permitted to walk to their classrooms at 8 AM.  Parents are NOT permitted to walk with students to their classrooms in the morning.  Parents who need to conduct any school business in the morning must report to the Main Office and speak with the secretary.  

Parents who are picking up their children in the afternoon should line up outside the cafeteria door of the building.   At 2:55 PM, teachers who are supervising parent pickup will dismiss children to their parents from the cafeteria.  Parents will not be permitted to walk through the building or visit classrooms after dismissal.

Tardies/Early Pick-ups/Transportation Changes

It is IMPORTANT that children are in school every day – all day.  It is important that children are on time and remain in school for the full day.

If a child must be LATE, the child must report to the office for a late pass.  Children should NOT go to their classroom if they are late.  If you absolutely must pick up your child EARLY, you MUST send in a note with your child that morning.  

Parents MUST report to the office to meet their child for pick-up.  

If your child is doing something other than their normal after-school dismissal procedure, parents MUST send a written note with that change to the classroom teacher.  Notes can be in English/Spanish/Portuguese.  


Transportation - STA

Questions regarding transportation (routes, stops, late buses, etc) should be directed to the bus company – 203-797-4728. 

Student and Adult Behavior

Stadley Rough School is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that fosters safety, respect, and responsibility of all members of the school community.  It is important that ALL adults model appropriate behavior at school, school activities and PTO activities.  Our children learn so much from how we as adults treat one another. 

Dress and Personal Items

Function as well as appearance should be considered in choosing proper clothing for school.  Children go out to recess as often as weather permits.  Therefore, sneakers for PE and recess should be worn.  

Flip-flops, sandals, clogs are not appropriate for school.  

Hats are NOT to be worn in the building.  Clothing should be appropriate for school. 

Children should be discouraged from bringing valuable items to school.  Many times these items end up broken or misplaced.  Cell phones should NOT be brought to school.  The school does not accept responsibility for personal items lost, stolen, or damaged at school.  

School Safety Procedures

The following safety and security measures are in place at Staley Rough School to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for our students and staff.

•The only door through which students and visitors will be allowed to enter the building will be the main door.  All other doors, including the door near the Kindergarten wing, will remain locked.  When students are dropped off in the morning, they will have to enter through the main door of the building.  Staff on morning duty will be there to guide students to the main door and ensure they are walking safely along the sidewalk and into the building.  Parents should not be walking down to classrooms with students during morning arrival.  

•The main door of the school will remain locked after school hours.  Parents picking up students from the ELP program or participating in any activities after school hours will need to be admitted into the building by a staff member.

•All visitors must continue to buzz in before being admitted to enter the building.  Upon entering, all visitors must proceed directly to the security desk to sign in and receive a VISITOR badge, which must be worn at all times while in the building.  Visitors may be asked to show ID upon entering the building and main office.

•Fire drills and lockdown drills are practiced on a regular basis to ensure that all students and staff are familiar with important safety measures and practices.