First Grade


This website is for both students and parents. Students can use the special links to play educational games on the internet. Parents can read about what their child may be doing in school as well as find information on lunch, recess and other procedural information. There are links to each class, which will have more details by class including specials. The First Grade Team at Mill Ridge Primary School believes that educating your child is a collaborative effort between teachers, parents and the community.


Please check your childʼs backpack and folders each night for important information. We have a quick morning snack. Try to send in a healthy snack. Juice is not permitted in the classroom. If a drink is needed, please send in a small water container.


Students will be given homework nightly. Reading is an on-going assignment in which students are expected to read 20 minutes every night, including once on the weekend. This reading homework will include completing a reading log. Students are expected to complete their work each night and are responsible for bringing it back in each day.  Keep in mind…each teacher may assign additional or differentiated assignments based on the needs of their students. Please check your child’s folders and each teacher’s Webpage for information pertaining to specific tasks and/or unique accommodations for each individual student and/or class.

Our Classroom Links

Mrs. Poulos

Ms. St. Pierre

Mrs. Flannery

Ms. Pasia

Mrs. Figueiredo

Common Schedule Information

Lunch/Recess ( Grade)


Dismissal is at 3:00pm. Parent pick-up can come for pick-up 2:50 to 3:00pm. If there are changes in your dismissal procedures, please send in a note explaining the change. If you need a change during the day, please call the office before 2:30pm