Quarter 1 Social Studies Assignments

Quarter 1

Unit 1: Industrial Revolution

Chapter 17: The West Transformed

Expectations and Procedures sheet signed and returned

Blank map of the United States - all 50 states filled in with full name

Vocabulary Squares Worksheet - vigilante, subsidy, transcontinental railroad, reservation, cattle drive, vaquero, homesteader, and sod

Section 17.1 Guided Reading Worksheet

Wild West Research

Sections 17.3-17.4 Guided Reading Worksheet

Quiz - Thursday, August 28th over all of the above

Chapter 18: Industry and Urban Growth

Inventions 4 Squares based on section 18.1 - 4 boxes, each with an invention and summary on a piece of paper

Paraphrasing - Pages 612-613 summary in notebook

Section 18.2 Guided Reading Worksheet

Robber Baron or Captain of Industry Research

What is Philanthropy Google Form - in your Google Drives

Muckraker Journalist Article

Industrial Revolution Study Guide

Test - Thursday, September 25th over all of the above

Unit 2: Immigration

Paragraph - create an imaginary immigrant and explain why he or she wishes to leave his or her home country and move to the United States

Section 18.4 Guided Reading Worksheet

Paragraph - write one paragraph about an immigrant ancestor's experience

Immigrant Diary Assignment - PDF below but see Google Classroom for more details

Immigration Study Guide

Immigration Test - Tuesday, October 21st, 2014