7th Grade

Math Course 2



Teacher: Mrs. Toni Boylen

Room: 30

Extra Math help: By appointment or during study hall

Jump Start: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 8:00am

SASS: Monday - Thursday 3:15pm - 4:15pm

Email: toni.boylen@d426.org Phone: 815-522-2622

Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year.

Course Objective: This year's course of study promises to engage your student with challenging units that will teach the basics of 7th grade math and empower your student to be a competent mathematical thinker and problem solver.

Materials needed for class:

  • Open Up Resources math book
  • Binder / folder
  • Pencils
  • Notebook or loose leaf paper
  • Calculator
  • Planner
  • Positive attitude

Behavioral Expectations:

  • No snacks– water in clear containers only
  • Be on time
  • Pick up all trash and don’t make a mess
  • Do not write on the desk
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself (even if you are playing)
  • Respect others opinions
  • Be good listeners (no talking when someone else is talking)
  • No putting someone else down
  • No swearing
  • No yelling or other behavior which distracts other students and/or your teacher
  • No phones
  • Students are expected to follow the rules in the Parent/Student Handbook in this classroom.

Discipline: Students caught demonstrating good behaviors will receive Hawks Pride cards, and have the chance to win weekly and quarterly prizes, per our PBIS guidelines. Every attempt is made to make a positive environment for all learners and work with individuals to keep them in class. Students demonstrating poor classroom behaviors will be given a minor after 2 warnings. If a third warning is given the minor will become a major and will be asked to go to the office. The above list is an example and may be modified depending on behavior. The teacher reserves the right to send anyone to the office immediately without the above steps.

Cheating: Students caught cheating will automatically receive a zero (0) on their assignment and contact will be made home the first time. No make-ups allowed. If they are caught cheating again, the student will be given a major.

Attendance: Students who attend school regularly experience a happier, more successful school career. Regular attendance also develops the work habits necessary for successful employment in later life. Schools and parents are partners in ensuring regular school attendance, as required by law. State attendance law requires “that every person having custody or control of any child between the age of seven and seventeen years, shall annually, cause such child to attend some public or private school for the entire time during which the public school in the district wherein the pupil resides, is in session unless excused for an approved reason by a duly constituted authority.”

Tardy Policy: After every 4 tardies a minor will be issued.

Absences: If you are absent from school, you are responsible to get the information you missed. The assignments will be on my website and in my homework folders. Get the notes from someone in class. For every excused absence, you get 1 day after you return to make up any work. If the absence is unexcused, any work that day can not be made up.

Grading Scale: Grades will be updated weekly online. Keep all assignments until you see the correct grade in your online grade book. I cannot change a grade unless I see your score on the assignment.

Scoring break down:

40% Tests 30% Quizzes 15% Homework 15% Bell ringers

You can correct your quizzes, but they must be turned in before the next quiz or test. If you are not happy with your test score, see me and I will give you a review assignment to complete. After you turn in the assignment and the score is 70% or better, you can retake the test and I will average the two scores together (unless it lowers your score). I do not accept late homework unless you were absent.

**All test retakes must be completed two weeks after the test unless approved by me.

Course outline (Subject to change):

Unit 1- Scale Drawings Unit 6- Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities

Unit 2- Introducing Proportional Relationships Unit 7- Angles, Triangles, and Prisms

Unit 3- Measuring Circles Unit 8- Probability and Sampling

Unit 4- Proportional Relationships and Percentages Unit 9- Putting it ALL Together

Unit 5- Rational Number Arithmetic