Unit 1: The Nature of Biology

Learning Targets

Scientist Method

I Can Design An Experiment Using The Scientific Method.

    1. I can identify scientific/testable questions that guide scientific investigations.

    2. I can identify the components of a controlled experiment: independent variable, dependent variable, constant variables, (controlled variables), control group, and experimental groups.

    3. I can write a testable hypothesis.

    4. I can distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data.

I Can Perform An Experiment Using The Scientific Method.

    1. I can lab equipment/tools and demonstrate how to use them appropriately.

    2. I can collect appropriate and reliable data and record it in a table.

I Can Analyze & Communicate The Results Of An Experiment.

    1. I can visually represent data collected and recorded in an experiment in tables and graphs.

    2. I can draw logical conclusions based on data collected in an experiment.

    3. I can identify sources of error in an experiment by explaining how these errors aiîect the results and describing how these can be corrected.

  1. I can make improvements to the design of an experiment.