Why You Should Join Debate!

The Game


Unlike many activities, a Policy Debate team can only be competitive if it travels to regional and national tournaments throughout the year. The Niles West Debate Team will compete at tournaments in Illinois, Michigan, California, Texas, and Georgia in the coming season.

Why The Game is Great

There are several reasons why debate is a phenomenal activity. It will:

    • Improve your ability to research, organize information, and make a persuasive argument

    • Expand your knowledge of academic areas including foreign and domestic policy, international relations, and critical theory

    • Introduce you to a community of students and new friends across the country

    • Provide a powerful resume builder that will differentiate you from other students applying to selective colleges

Most importantly, debate is an addictively fun game. Like in Chess, each argument has to be placed strategically. Debaters have to think several moves ahead and predict what arguments their opponents will make in response. Once you play the game, you will be hooked.

Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its non-military exploration and/or development of the Earth’s oceans.

During a round, teams from two different schools present oral arguments in an effort to convince a judge that their position is superior to their opponent's. Team's prepare arguments and strategies during the school week, and execute their arguments at local, regional, and national tournaments on the weekend.

Policy Debate is an academic competition where teams of two take turns arguing for or against a given resolution. This year's resolution is:

In 2010-2011, the Debate Team traveled to UCLA for the Victory Briefs Tournament in Los Angeles, California.

In 2010-2011, the Debate Team traveled to Woodward Academy for the Novice Nationals Tournament in Atlanta, Georgia.

Why the Team is Great

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