Video and Online Chat Permissions

Video and Online Chat Permission

Dear Student and Parent or Guardian,

I am your student’s chemistry teacher, Mr. Andy Klamm.

This year, I will be recording one class session per day via video and audio recording. The purpose of this video is solely for the students’ use. I will post the video securely through a shared Dropbox folder that only they will have access to as a way to watch and relearn a topic that we covered in class. In doing so, students will be seen and heard as a part of this video recording. This acts as a consent that you agree that you (or your child) can appear on this video from time to time as a part of this educational opportunity for all AP chemistry students at Niles North High School.

Also, this year I will be using an online chat room as an alternative review option. No student is required to participate in an online chat room.

Online chat sessions are opened in a private room through Adobe Connect, for which the district has a license. Only students from my chemistry classes at Niles North will have been invited. I have no way to determine that every student is who they say they are, however, the chat session is not advertised anywhere online and an invitation is required. The teacher is present from the start of the session until the close of the session. Discussions are teacher directed and no private chatting is permitted.

Students will be able to see and hear me, but I will not allow them to be seen or heard. They will communicate by typing their questions or responses in chat format.

Students are asked to abide by the Core Rules of Netiquette (

More information on these netiquette rules is available at the website listed above. Your signature attests that you consent to allowing your son or daughter to participate in an online chat room, for educational purposes and also that you understand that inappropriate chat may result in loss of chat review privilege.

If you have any questions regarding the use of online chat tutorials please contact me at:

Mr. Andy Klamm – school phone (847)-626-2764 or via e-mail (

_____________________________________ ____________________________________

Student name (printed) Parent/guardian name (printed)

_____________________________________ _______________________________ ____________

Student signature Parent/guardian signature Date