
Junior American Literature and Composition

This full year course for juniors focuses on higher level reading and writing skills. Vocabulary, comprehension, critical thinking, and the development of the basic five paragraph essay writing in response to literature and the focus of this course. Students are encouraged to read orally and to participate in group discussion to strengthen listening and verbal skills. Instruction to develop appropriate grammar structure, the writing of more complex sentences, detailed paragraphs, and the development of the basic essay will be emphasized. Student will continue to have exposure to the five paragraph essay structure.

US History

Students learn about the government, including the three branches. Citizen rights and responsibilities are reviewed and an awareness of both civil and criminal law are taught. Students will use current events as a springboard for discussion of these topics. In addition, students study American History from the Civil War to the present. Societal relationships, the criminal justice system, due process of the law, and basic civil rights are also included in the curriculum.


The Resource Program is designed to identify and re-mediate the academic areas of need (such as reading, writing, and math) that are identified in a student's Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). During resource, a special education teacher will provide support in the identified areas, facilitate accommodations in general education courses, and serve as a liaison between the home and school for students eligible for Special Education services.