Mr. Sean DeFelice



D219 Remote Learning Schedule

  • Mr. D.'s Office Hours
    • Everyday from 8 am - 10 am, or 1 pm - 2 pm
  • Check Google Classroom for class updates
  • Virtual Norms
    • Always dress for video conferences in a way that, at minimum, you would typically dress to go to the store. (G Rated and stranger appropriate).
    • Remember to mute your microphone in general until/unless you are speaking.
    • Remember you can turn off your video if you need to do something you don't want others to see.
    • To the greatest degree possible in the environments we find ourselves, try to focus on the meeting at hand. But it is understood that we're not at school.
    • Remember all virtual interactions are part of school record (although they are not and should not be recorded).