Policies & Procedures

Niles Central

Classroom Expectations


A             90-100

B             80-89

C             70-79

D             60-69

F              59 and below


Students need to come to class everyday with a pen or pencil. Textbooks and/or classroom materials may be assigned to each individual student. Each student is responsible for any textbook and materials that are assigned to them. Every student is required to bring textbooks and/or other materials to class everyday.  Students should have their Chromebook every day for class.  If not, depending on availability, a school Chromebook will be loaned to the student for the class period.  The Chromebook must be returned to the teacher at the end of the class.  



A portion of a student's grade (10%) will be based on appropriate class participation. Participation points will be earned primarily during lecture, instruction and/or class activities.  Students are expected to stay awake, participate in class activities, and refrain from unrelated computer use and other off task behaviors.  If computer use interferes with student participation, the instuctor reserves the right to lock laptops using Go Guardian.  



Student work, including homework, classwork, and quizzes, is graded and factored into a student’s overall grade (40%). MOST assignments will be given as classwork but may need to be completed at home due to absences or failure to complete in class. Assignments during a given unit must be completed and submitted by the unit test.



It is the student’s responsibility to ask for the work he/she missed. All work missed due to an excused or unexcused absence is eligible to be made up for full credit. Again, assignments during a given unit must be completed and submitted by the unit test. Once the current unit of study has been completed, students are no longer eligible to complete and receive credit for the late work.



Tests will be given at the conclusion of each unit. Tests will make up a majority of a student's grade (50%). Test retakes will be allowed if a student earns a 69% or lower.  Unit tests taken on CANVAS must be completed in school.