Policies & Procedures

Niles Township Physical Education

Mission Statement and Philosophy

Physical Education will help the students of Niles Township High Schools gain the knowledge that will allow them to lead healthy, active, and fulfilling lives. The work in this department is guided by the following three principles all of our students will realize the ideal of developing a sound mind in a sound body;” thatfitness is for all”; and because one cannot store it, “fitness is for a lifetime.”


We believe and adhere to the following beliefs and best practices in our profession:

1. Effective human productivity depends upon optimum physical well-being and healthy living. Education for physical development and health provides students with the knowledge and attitudes to achieve healthful living throughout their lives and to acquire physical fitness, and the development of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Physical Education is a part of the total educational system that will provide experiences for our students through physical activity. This will prepare our students to meet the challenges of daily living and enjoy life to its fullest.

3. Physical Education should meet the interest and needs of all students through instruction in and the development of an understanding and appreciation for total body fitness, sport skills and recreational games.

4. Physical Education should teach activities which would help to maintain an active life-style and develop a wholesome attitude towards their physical selves. Physical Education also develops a desire to participate in leisure time activities and benefit from the social growth these activities can provide.

5. The Niles Township Physical Education Department will:

1) Provide every student the opportunity to develop a strong, healthy body;

2) Encourage good health habits;

3) Aid in the development of athletic and recreational sports skills for use now and in adult life;

4) Teach the social values inherent in both competitive and cooperative activities.

The high school years are a tremendously important period in the development of each student, physically as well as mentally and emotionally. A healthy body enables one to more fully enjoy all aspects of living and assures a greater likelihood of success in any worthwhile undertaking. We urge every student to become thoroughly involved in our daily program encompassing a wide variety of activities. Regular, enthusiastic participation is the pathway to a longer life and a more satisfying educational experience.

The guiding spirit of our four years of work with our students can be best described through the almost universal educational outcome in Latin:

“Mens sana in corpore sano”

“A sound mind in a sound body”



Physical Education classes meet daily for all students.

Students are required to be in the locker room at the tardy bell.

A student who is restricted from Physical Education classes must bring a doctor's note to the Nurses Office which will be forwarded to the Director of Physical Education. The Director may request a schedule change to a study hall or the Director will coordinate with the PE teacher any alternative assignments and/or arrangements.

Niles Township students receive credit for each semester of work. Physical Education credits are required for each semester of attendance while at Niles Township.

Each student is to stay with his/her class until dismissed by the instructor. Do not leave class early or you will be marked absent. When returning to your locker room after class, please do not cut through other classes or through a gymnasium.


If a student is absent, he/she has the opportunity to make-up the participation points for that day by attending another PE class, which could include Early Bird Strength and conditioning or Cardio Fitness Lab after school.

One class of make-up requires 32 minutes of work. The supervisor of these areas will provide a make-up slip or email to your teacher.

The following procedures should be followed:

  1. Excused or modified absences may be made up.
  2. Make-up must be made within the grading period in which the absences occurred. or with the consent of the instructor.
  3. The make-up period may be extended or assignments altered because of lengthy illness or other extenuating circumstances.
  4. No make-up will be permitted for an unexcused absence.
  5. The student must assume the responsibility of asking the teacher of the make-up class prior to class if it is convenient for him to attend class for make-up.
  6. The student should make an effort to attend a class in the same activity as that is being made up.


The official NILES TOWNSHIP PE uniform must be purchased by each student and worn throughout the classes

(Except swimming classes). The uniform can be purchased in the school bookstore. The official uniform consists of the following:

a. T-shirt with official Niles Township emblem

b. Shorts with official Niles Township emblem

c. White socks

d. Official sweatpants and sweatshirts may be worn (optional for cooler weather)

e. Swimsuit for aquatics classes (must be provided by the student)

f. Appropriate athletic footwear.-if you are in an activity that requires bare feet, such as dance or martial arts, you must wear shoes to the gymnasium or studio. No bare feet in the hallways.

Each student is responsible for the cleanliness and condition of his/her uniform. All uniform items shall be appropriately marked with the student's name for easy identification and to discourage theft. No other markings are to be put on the uniform. It must fit properly and not be torn. The shorts must have the waist band at the hips and hang no lower than the knee caps.

Students are allowed to wear Elite Fitness shirts awarded by the department, only if they have personally won the shirt and have their name labeled on the shirt.

See the locker attendant or your instructor if you lose any part of your uniform. Only equipment with your name marked on it can be returned to you. Wear only your own equipment and do not permit another student to wear any of yours. Anyone wearing any part of a uniform with another students' name marked on it, will not receive credit for that day and must give that equipment to his/her instructor. A new uniform must be purchased if it no longer conforms to department standards. Under no conditions are students to wear any items of clothing to gym class that they wear to other classes. This includes shirts, coats, jeans, etc. You must have separate items for physical education.


There is no PE rental policy at Niles Township High Schools. All students are expected to remember to wear their PE uniform to class. In essence your PE uniform is your homework every single night. Please see your teacher if you have further questions regarding the Niles Township No-Rental Policy.


A standard school physical education padlock will be given to each student from their first semester teacher at the beginning of the school year. This lock is for use on the gym locker which you will be assigned.

Never give anyone your combination and never let anyone share your gym locker. Most claims of theft can be traced to this cause rather than actual "break-ins".

Never bring large sums of money or expensive jewelry to gym class, even if you plan to lock it up carefully. See your instructor before class if you have any specific problems on a given day.

Backpacks and book bags often do not fit in the PE lockers. Do not leave them out! Do not bring them to class! Make a plan to drop off at your hall locker.

Each student will be assigned two lockers for use within the Physical Education locker room, a small locker for storage of Physical Education uniforms and equipment, and a long locker for use only during the students Physical Education class. Students may only use the long locker during class period. Students that leave their belongings in long locker may have their lock removed and have to pay for replacement.

It is imperative that you register your lock serial number and combination with your instructor on the locker cards he/she provides in order to have any hope of recovering a lost lock or determining a forgotten combination.

If you lose your lock, see your instructor immediately. If the lock is not located within 48 hours, you must purchase a replacement. Non-school locks are not permitted in the locker room. They will be cut off and discarded immediately.

Be certain you place the lock securely on your locker every time you leave, even for a quick trip to the showers. Be sure to put all uniform items in your locker and be sure to use the locker to which you are assigned.

Rough housing and horse-play in locker room, showers, drying areas, etc. are dangerous and is prohibited.


For your convenience laptop and valuable lockers are located within each locker room for your use during PE. Follow the directions on the lockers, use them only during class, and always secure your valuables. Contact your PE teachers for more information.


Every student may take a shower at the conclusion of each gym class. One towel will be given to each student as he or she comes from the shower room. Please deposit the towel in the hamper provided before proceeding to the locker. Do not leave towels on the floor. All used towels are to be returned to the dirty towel hamper.


Students in swimming classes should take a soap shower and rinse thoroughly before entering the pool. Emphasis should be on thorough washing and rinsing of hair, feet, etc. The toilet areas are not to be used as private changing rooms. It is the students’ responsibility to provide a swimsuit.

The procedures for handling the medical reason that could cause you to miss class are handled as follows:

1) Pre-existing medical conditions such as allergies to chlorine, or other chronic conditions, require a doctor’s note which can be put on file with the Nurse. This note should be obtained before the swimming unit begins, so that alternative activities can be planned. This will be both written work and physical conditioning done on the deck in the regular PE uniform.

2) A short illness (cold, etc.) requires a parent note and will be honored for two days. Note should be specific in regards to what the student should be cleared from participation. Beyond this length requires a doctor’s note. These absences must be made up. Students in this situation are required to dress in their PE uniform and complete alternate workout or assignment on the deck bleachers.

3) Menstruation is handled in the same manner as above in #2, however a five day exemption is allowed if necessary. Students should still dress in PE uniform and report tot the pool deck for alternate activity.

4) Provisions in dress can be made for special religious needs. The need to be excused from swimming totally, because of religious beliefs requires a letter from the student’s religious official – i.e. priest, rabbi, and cleric and parents.

The importance of the ability to swim in regards to personal safety will require that students take additional swimming units if they cannot pass the minimal safety standards-float, tread water, and swim one width of the pool.


Vulgar behavior and obscene language have no place in our program and will not be tolerated at any time.

Glass containers must never be taken into locker rooms, showers, or activity areas.

Food and beverages shall not be brought into the gymnasium, pool, locker room or any of the activity area.

Keep your locker and uniform clean and in good condition. There will be periodic, unannounced inspections of both.

Students are expected to be in the locker room before the tardy bell sounds. All students must remain in the Physical Welfare area until dismissed at the end of the period.

Locker rooms will be locked while classes are in session. Students should not be in the gym or locker room areas except during their PE period. The locker room attendant is performing an important service for all of us. Give him/her the same respect and cooperation you would give any instructor.

Report any injury that you may incur to your teacher immediately. If you are not feeling 100%, get dressed in your uniform, but let your teacher know. You can be held out of certain activities.

Make sure that your teacher is aware of any important medical needs that you may have. This includes asthma, allergies, and bee sting reactions. Bring your inhaler to class if necessary.

Have pride in our facilities. They are among the best in our state. Help keep things clean and in good condition. Report any unsafe conditions or damaged equipment to your teacher immediately.

Respect the rights and property of others. If you are having problems with others, let your teacher know. If you are not comfortable discussing with your teacher, take it up with your parents, another teacher, a coach, your Dean, or a security person. Do not hesitate to use the confidential report line: 847-626-2308

Enjoy your Physical Education class and learn from your instructors. You will be using many of these skills taught you throughout your life while you participate in fitness and recreational activities.

The student who attends class regularly, dresses daily in the proper uniform in satisfactory condition, makes a full effort in each day's fitness work and activity, is not chronically tardy, studies for the written test, and is not a serious disciplinary problem will be able to earn a very good grade.

Niles Township High School Grading Policy

Freshman Foundations Grading Scale

Semester, and Common Final Assessment (CFA) Grading System

Physical Welfare uses weighted categories to calculate the semester grades for each student. The final grade for Physical Education is based on the grading period grade (84%) and the final exam grade (16%).

Grading period 80% + Final Exam 20% = Semester grade 100%

Grading Period Categories

Classwork 30%

Daily Participation Points

  • 5 Points per day

Laboratory 45%

    • Polar Heart Rate Monitors
    • Cardiovascular Output
    • Fitness Effort Rubric
    • Strength and Conditioning Exercises

Summative Assessments 25%

    • Progress from start to finish of individual unit
    • Performance Rubrics
    • Skill Testing
    • Unit Tests
    • Quizzes
    • Writing assignments
    • Projects

Final Exam

Written Common Final Assessment 50%

Health Related Fitness Project 50%

Grading Scale for Quarter, Final Assessment, and Semester

90% A

80% B

70 % C

60% D

59 % F