
*denotes Johnson group graduate student author

*LaFond-Hudson S, Johnson NW, Pastor J, Dewey B (2022) Sulfur Geochemistry Destabilizes Population Oscillations of Wild Rice (Zizania palustris). Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127, e2022JG006809.  (link)

*Brennan AA, Mount DR, Johnson NW (2021) Stochastic Framework for Addressing Chemical Partitioning and Bioavailability in Contaminated Sediment Assessment and Management. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(16), 11040-11048. (link) 

Jones DS, Johnson NW, Mitchell CPJ, Walker GM, Bailey JV, Pastor J, Swain, EB (2020) Diverse Communities of hgcAB+ Microorganisms Methylate Mercury in Freshwater Sediments Subjected to Experimental Sulfate Loading. Environmental Science & Technology, (link)

Kneer ML, *White A, Rolfhus KR, Jeremiason JD, Johnson NW, Ginder-Vogel M (2020) Impact of Dissolved Organic Matter on Porewater Hg and MeHg Concentrations in St. Louis River Estuary Sediments. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 4(8), 1386-1397.  (link)

*LaFond-Hudson S, Johnson NW, Pastor J, Dewey B (2020) Interactions between sulfide and reproductive phenology of an annual aquatic plant, Zizania palustris (wild rice). Aquatic Botany,  164 doi: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2020.103230  (link)

Ng GHC,  Rosenfeld CE, Santelli CM, Yourd AR, Lange J, Duhn K, Johnson, NW (2020) Microbial and Reactive Transport Modeling Evidence for Hyporheic Flux‐Driven Cryptic Sulfur Cycling and Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in a Sulfate‐Impacted Wetland‐Stream System.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125. (link)

Voelz J, Johnson NW, Chun CL, Arnold WA, Penn RL (2019) Quantitative Dissolution of Environmentally-Accessible Iron Residing in Iron-Rich Minerals: A Review. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 3(8) 1371-1392  (link)

Jones DS, Walker GM, Johnson NW, Mitchell CPJ, Coleman Wasik JK, Bailey JV (2019) Molecular evidence for novel mercury methylating microorganisms in sulfate-impacted lakes. ISME Journal, (13) 1659– 1675. doi: 10.1038/s41396-019-0376-1 (link

Johnson NW, Pastor J, Swain, EB (2019) Cumulative sulfate loads shift porewater to sulfidic conditions in freshwater wetland sediment.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 38(6) 1231–1244. doi: 10.1002/etc.4410   (link)

*LaFond-Hudson S, Johnson NW, Pastor J, Dewey B (2018) Iron sulfide formation on root surfaces controlled by the life cycle of wild rice (Zizania palustris).  Biogeochemistry, 141(1)95-106. doi: 10.1007/s10533-018-0491-5  (link)

*Brennan A, Johnson NW (2018) The utility of SPME in evaluating contaminant bioavailability during habitat restoration with dredged material at moderately contaminated sites. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 14(2) 212-223. doi: 10.1002/ieam.1994 (link)

Myrbo A, Swain EB, Johnson NW, Engstrom DR, Pastor J, Dewey B, Monson P, Brenner J, Dykhuizen Shore M, Peters EB (2017) Increase in nutrients, mercury, and methylmercury as a consequence of elevated sulfate reduction to sulfide in experimental wetland mesocosms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122(11). 2769-2785. doi: 10.1002/2017JG003788 (link)

Ng GHC, Yourd AR, Johnson NW, Myrbo AE (2017) Modeling hydrologic controls on sulfur processes in sulfate-impacted wetland and stream sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122(9) 2435-2457. doi:10.1002/2017JG00382 (link)

Pastor J, Dewey B, Johnson NW, Swain EB, Monson P, Peters EB, Myrbo A (2017) Effects of sulfate and sulfide on the life cycle of wild rice (Zizania palustris) in hydroponic and mesocosm experiments. Ecological Applications, 27(1) 321-336. doi:10.1002/eap.1452 (link)

*Bailey LT, Mitchell CPJ, Engstrom DR,  Berndt ME, Coleman-Wasik JK, Johnson NW (2017) The influence of porewater sulfide on methylmercury production and partitioning in sulfate-impacted lake sediments. Science of the Total Environment, (580) 1197-1204. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.12.078 (link)

Johnson NW, Mitchell, CPJ, Engstrom DR, *Bailey LT, Coleman-Wasik JK, Berndt ME (2016) Methylmercury production in a chronically sulfate-impacted sub-boreal wetland.  Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 18(6) 725-734. doi:10.1039/C6EM00138F (link)

*Beck BB and Johnson NW (2014) Geochemical Controls on Production and Transport of Methylmercury from Sediment in the St. Louis River Estuary. Applied Geochemistry, (51) 44-54. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.09.009 (link)

Johnson NW, Reible DD, Katz LE (2010) Biogeochemical Changes and Mercury Methylation beneath an In-Situ Sediment Cap. Environmental Science & Technology, 44 (19) 7280–7286. doi:10.1021/es100161p (link)

Project Reports

Veiteberg Braaten HF, Johnson NW, Clayer F, Beylich B, Håvardstun J, Schaanning M, Olsen, M. (2019).  Mercury isotope analysis of sediments from Gunneklevfjorden–Method evaluation and a preliminary investigation of sources.  NIVA Report 7417-2019. (pdf)

Johnson NW, Fraser DJ, Jeremiason JJ.  Mercury Bioavailability in the St. Louis River Estuary.  MPCA Final Project Report. 6/30/2016 (pdf)

Johnson NW, *Brennan, AA, Fraser, DJ. Development of a protocol for incorporating bioavailability into sediment assessments related to habitat restoration: PAH Bioavailability.  Final Report to USACE/MPCA. 12/31/2015. (pdf)

Johnson NW, Mitchell CPJ, Engstrom, DR *Bailey, LT, Kelly M, Jeremiasson J, Berndt ME, Coleman-Wasik J. Methylmercury production and transport in a sulfate-impacted sub-boreal wetland. DNR Mine Water Research Advisory Panel. Final Project Report. 08/31/14. (38 pages) (pdf)

*Bailey, L. T., Johnson, N. W., Mitchell, C. P., Engstrom, D. R., Kelly, M. Jeremmiason, J. Berndt, M. W., Coleman-Wasik, J. Seasonal and spatial variations in methylmercury in the water column of sulfate-impacted lakes. DNR Mine Water Research Advisory Panel. Final Project Report. 08/31/14. (44 pages) (pdf)

*Bailey, L. T., Johnson, N. W., Mitchell, C. P., Engstrom, D. R., Berndt, M. E., Coleman-Wasik, J. Geochemical factors influencing methylmercury production and partitioning in sulfate-impacted lake sediments. DNR Mine Water Research Advisory Panel. Final Project Report. 08/31/14. (24 pages) (pdf)

Johnson, N. W. Response of rooting zone geochemistry to experimental manipulation of sulfate in Wild Rice mesocosms. Sulfate standard study. Project Report. 12/31/2013 (45 pages) (pdf)

*DeRocher, W., Johnson, N. W. Temperature dependent diffusion rates of sulfate in aquatic sediments. Sulfate standard study. Project Report. 12/31/2013. (50 pages) (pdf)

Johnson, N. W., and *Zhu, X. Carbon and iron additions to stimulate in-pit sulfate reduction and removal. Final Research Report. Minnesota DNR Division of Lands and Minerals. 8/15/2012 (pdf)