Contaminant Biogeochemistry

Nathan W Johnson, PhD

My goal is to develop students' technical and communication skills through coursework and research aimed at understanding and managing how contaminants are transported and transformed in engineered and natural systems.  My group is especially interested transient changes near redox interfaces.  Our projects answer scientific questions that will further the development of tools and technologies for managing risk from environmental contaminants.    

I have working relationships with state and federal resource management agencies, industrial and municipal wastewater facilities with an interest in sulfate and mercury discharges to surface water as well as sediment contamination in urban and agricultural settings.  

 With appointments in the UMD Civil Engineering U of MN Water Resource Science graduate programs, I am always looking for curious, motivated graduate students to join our group and typically have a several undergraduates involved in UROP projects and working in the lab.  

Professor of Civil Engineering

University of Minnesota Duluth

221 Swenson Civil Engineering

1405 University Drive

Duluth, MN 55812

(218) 726-6435

Office: 105 Sciv

Member, Water Resources Science Faculty

Adjunct Member, Large Lakes Observatory

E-mail Professor Johnson