Virtual Room 310

Welcome to the greatest website on the hyperbole!

General Information:

Contact Information:


Class Schedule

A Bit About Me:

This is my 19th year at Castro Valley HS.  I've been here so long that a number of my former students are now my colleagues.  I keep waiting for the day when I will teach the child of one of my former students...but I'm not there yet.  Obviously I generally like the place and am committed to it for the long haul.  

I have been teaching APUSH for 18 years, Modern World History for 17 years, and Afrocentric U.S. History since it was created 11 years ago.  I have previously taught CCG and United States History.

Grading Information: I generally update grades on Aeries within a week of any due date; certain long assignments such as essays may take me longer to grade.