

POL 212 Introduction to International Relations

POL 308 Transnational Politics

POL 431 Advanced International Relations

POL 436 East Asian International Relations

POL 459 Human Rights Politics in Asia

POL 538 Politics of Overseas U.S. Bases

POL 606 Graduate Seminar in International Relations

POL 619A Civil Society

POL 637 Social Movements in World Politics

POL 638 Asian Security

POL 659 Ideas, Identity, and International Relations

Undergraduate Student Recommendations

For recommendations, you should have taken one (ideally two) courses with me, preferably receiving a grade of at least a B+. While receiving a grade lower than a B+ is not grounds for disqualification, I cannot guarantee that your recommendation will be the most positive one. If this is your case, you may want to contact other instructors for a recommendation before contacting me. Please provide at least two weeks advanced notice along with the following information:

1. Updated resume

2. Description of the specific program which you are applying to (i.e. link to website)

3. Statement of purpose (if applicable) indicating why you are interested in applying to a particular program.

4. Information on how/where to send it. If the recommendation must be mailed, please provide me a stamped, addressed envelope.

Links to Advice for Grad Students

1. On writing peer reviews.

2. On tenure and operation keep my job after a negative 3rd year review.