College Articulation Program

Graduating seniors may have achieved college credit in the following courses: 

Rowan University

Grade 12- English  (3 credits)

Rutgers University

Grade 10-Dynamics of Health Care in Society (3 credits)

Grade 10- Anatomy & Physiology I (4 credits)

Grade 11-Anatomy & Physiology II (4 credits) and Scientific Principles of Nutrition (3 credits)

Grade 12-Medical Terminology (3 credits)

Rutgers University and Georgian Court University will provide transcripts only after you graduate from high school. Before transferring credits, it is important to find out if your college will transfer credit only, or if they transfer credit along with your grade – which means those grades will factor into your college cum. If they do both, then you’ll want to know your Rutgers / GC grades so you can choose which credits you want to transfer.

Requesting a Transcript from RU

Rutgers Transcript and Data Form FAQs

Requesting a Transcript from Rowan

Below is the process for students to view/order their transcript through Self-Service Banner: