Mrs. Shroyer's Webpage

At Conemaugh Township Elementary School,

 reading takes us places!

💖 Gentleness and kindness will make our home a paradise upon Earth. 💖                                                                                       - C. A. Bartol

School is our home away from home.


Reading Greetings!

I am delighted to actively engage in your child's reading journey this year. As a Title I reading teacher, I will be supporting the second and third grade classrooms, focusing on reading, writing, and English Language Arts (ELA). I feel truly fortunate to have this opportunity!

My passion for teaching reading stems from my desire to help children experience the joy of discovering great stories. Together, we learn to appreciate how reading transports us to new places. It is a genuine pleasure to guide students in realizing that through reading, we can explore the world with our imaginations. I am excited to be a "reading driver," taking us on adventures to marvelous destinations through the power of stories and reading experiences. Furthermore, I am eager to enhance your child's creativity by connecting reading with writing and real-world experiences.

Our reading curriculum, titled Wonders, promises to be an enriching experience. Have you ever "wondered" what your child thinks about while reading? Alongside my learners, we will delve into captivating stories that help us develop new reading strategies and foster a deep love for reading. With hope, our students will learn that reading and rereading cultivates reading stamina. Most importantly, we will engage in meaningful discussions about books to nurture critical thinking skills. Each reading session will build background knowledge, ultimately enriching vocabulary.

If you have a moment, I invite you to explore some valuable reading tips available under the "Dogtastic Websites" tab. Wishing you a fantastic and blessed school year


Mrs. Shroyer, Title I Reading                        

                             Reading is truly an adventure!                              

Contact information:

814-479-7497   extension-3876

2024-25 Schedule 

Homework Policy - Follow grades 2-3 procedures

Homework Policy  

Behavior Management Plan  

Emergency Plans 

Important Contact Information:


1516 Tire Hill Road

Johnstown, PA 15905

(814) 479-4080 Extension: 3876

Continuity of Education Plan

 CT Website


"The more knowledge a child starts with, the more likely she is to acquire yet more knowledge. She'll read more, understand and retain information better, because knowledge, like velcro, sticks best to other related knowledge."  - Natalie Wexler


                 Behavior Plan
Recognition Sign.pdf
Interventions Sign.pdf


Reading is dogtastic! 

Reading a book is a gift you can open again and again!  -Garrison Keillor

Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life!  -Mortimer J. Adler

    Why should I practice the  "THINK ALOUD "STRATEGY when reading to my child?

Read this to know more...

This year, can you be reading super *S-T-A-R-S *

and remember to be a good citizen?


          S - how kindness         

         T- ry your best          

         A- ct  responsibly     

              R- espect everyone         

                            S- tay safe!



Get caught doing something positive or "PAWS" itive! 

Respecting each other is an important part of the learning process. 

 When you say kind things, you fill up another friend's bucket!  

Let's think of lots of creative ways to fill up somebody's  bucket all year long.

Did you know that you can fill up your teacher and your principal's bucket too?

 How about filling up a janitor's bucket or a friend's bucket today?

Your family members also need you to say kind words to them. Spread kindness!

Fill someone's bucket today!