Irrigation Changes

Post date: Apr 25, 2012 2:56:37 PM

We're eager to implement some changes to the irrigation system in our development this year.  These changes are aimed at decreasing the system down time and increasing the effective use or our water.

At the end of last year, we installed a pressure regulating devise on the pump.  This devise is designed to automatically decrease the system pressure when water in the well drops to low levels.  In the past, when water reached low levels, the pump shut itself off and required someone to restart.  You may remember that this resulted in lost watering times.  With this new device in place, water output will be decreased when water drops to low levels and increased as water returns to normal levels.  Therefore, the pump will remain on at all times.

Another change we will implement is adjustment to the watering schedule.  New watering times will be delivered to homes before May 1st.  This new schedule will include Sunday watering times as well as homes and common area watering at the same time.  These changes allow for better utilization of our allocated water.  In the past, water was lost during common area watering times as well as on Sunday. 

Finally, it is worth noting that even with these changes, watering times must be kept to your designated time.  When more homes draw on the water than what is scheduled, the designed water distribution is disrupted and everyone pays.  When we stick to the schedule, everyone wins.  Yes, it is that simple.  Please consider the following points when watering:

If you have any questions or want some help setting your timers, please contact a member of the board.


Corey Simpson - HOA President