Wellness Committee Info

Committee Members

Cranberry Elementary

Beth Conkle,  Angela Remmick, Jim Smathers, Ernest Keller, Julie Kosker, Stephanie Miller, Kim Morrison, Kim Daugherty

Cranberry High School

Kayla Loll, Andrea Barrett, Melanie Oliver, Shawn Bean, Megan McNany, Laura Allaman, Chris Bost, Monica Ferringer, Andy Godnich, Lori Corbett, Kim Daugherty

**We invite the public to join our committee and become involved in the development, review, update and implementation of our Wellness Policy at any time throughout the school year.**

Monthly High School Wellness Committee Meeting Dates:

Location - Room 302

2:30 - 3:00pm (4th Friday of every month)

   Monthly Elem School Wellness Committee Meeting Dates:

Location - Elementary Conference Room

8:15 - 8:45am (4th Friday of every month)

Bi-Annual DISTRICT Wellness Committee Meetings:

Location - District Office

12/15 & TBA