
Cranberry Area School District recognizes that student wellness and proper nutrition are related to students' well-being, growth, development, and readiness to learn. We are committed to providing a school environment that promotes student and faculty wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience. In a healthy school environment, students will learn about and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices that can improve student achievement.

   2023-24 CRANA Events

CRANA Meeting - September 20th  during Activity Period   

 Walk to School Day - September 21st

        Fall  2023 Family Fitness Night - October 17

          Apple Crunch Day - November 1

    YMCA Partnership Program - January & February        

     Spring Family Fitness Night - TBD

             Movie It Outside Day -  May

CRANA (CRanberry Advocates Nutrition & Activity)  is our student wellness team who plan and organize healthy events throughout the school year. This club brainstorms and votes on ideas to make our district healthier and also volunteer their time to make sure it happens.

CASD will be incorporating WELLNESS WEDNESDAY on the fourth Wednesday of every month this school year at the Jr & Sr High School. There will be a student spotlight and also a staff member who are recognized each month for choosing a healthy lifestyle. 

Both winners will both receive a Dunham's or Subway gift card.

Students will start the day hearing an interesting fact about their health after the pledge and will also be entered into a drawing during lunch if they taste test the healthy item of the day.  All teachers will be encouraged to lead a brain break & get students up and moving.

September Student Spotlight:

September Staff Spotlight:

Monthly Taste Test Item:


 Taste Testing in the Commons:

September - Plums

October - Sweet Potato

November - Beets

December - Winter Squash

January -  Dairy Day!

February -  Strawberries

March - Leafy Greens

April - Tri Color Carrots

May - Tomatoes