Research & Publications

I maintain an active research agenda both independently and collaboratively with fellow political scientists. My work has appeared or is forthcoming in Comparative Political Studies, Studies in Comparative International Development, Africa Today, and Social Research. These articles can be accessed on my page:

Please see the "Book Manuscript" tab for a look at my current book project.

New Research Project

Codifying Legal Pluralism in Kenya: Prospects and Pitfalls of Mainstreaming Customary Justice Systems

Fieldwork: June-July 2017, Nairobi, Meru and Isiolo, Kenya

USAID Project Design

I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to apply my academic work to real-world issues in political development. As a consultant for USAID’s Linkages program in Uganda, I assisted in the development of a randomized controlled experimental design for a project that aimed to strengthen linkages between local governments, civil society organizations and Parliament in order to improve the accountability of governments to its citizens across Uganda. Our goal in devising the experimental design was to create a way for USAID to measure the impact of the program’s activities towards meeting the project’s objectives and to improve future USAID projects across Africa.

Field Research Experience

Kenya- June-July, 2017

Zambia- March through August, 2008

Uganda- October through March, 2007; July through August, 2006

Nepal- March through April, 2001