

.. Expected Utility, Independence, and Continuity, Theory and Decision, 2023.
    -- Working paper (b) Testing Expected Utility, 2022.

    -- Working paper (a): Expected Utility, Independence, and Continuity, 2021.

.. Adaptive Risk Assessments, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2023.
    -- Working paper:  Adaptive Random Risk Assessments, 2021.

.. Ranking by Weighted Sum (with T. Mitra), Economic Theory, 2021.

   -- Working paper (b): Weighted Utilitarianism over Finite Utility Streams (with T. Mitra), 2018.

   -- Working paper (a): On Representation and Weighted Utilitarian Representation of Preference Orders on Finite Utility Streams (with T.Mitra), 2010.

.. On the Identification of Changing Tastes (with M. Mihm), Games and Economic Behavior, 2019.

   -- Working paper (b): Regular Consistent Preferences (with M.Mihm), 2018.

   -- Working paper (a): Dynamic Choice and Consistent Planning (with M. Mihm), 2018.

.. Mood-driven Choices and Self-regulation (with M. Mihm), Journal of Economic Theory, 2018.

   -- Working paper (b): Mood-driven Choices and Self-regulation (with M. Mihm), 2018.

   -- Working paper (a): A Model of Self-discipline (with M. Mihm),2016.

.. Rationally Inattentive Preferences and Hidden Information Costs (with H. de Oliveira, T. Denti, M. Mihm), Theoretical Economics, 2017.

   -- Working paper (b): Rationally Inattentive Preferences (with H. de Oliveira, T. Denti, M. Mihm), 2014.

   -- Working paper (a): Decision Making with Rational Inattention (with M. Mihm),  2012.

.. On Representation of Monotone Preference Orders in a Sequence Space (with T. Mitra), Social Choice and Welfare, 2013.

Working Papers:

.. Costly Information Acquisition and Optimal Information Choice, 2018.

  -- Working paper (a): Rational Inattention and Choice of Optimal Information, 2013.

.. Preferences with Costly Bayesian Learning, 2021.

.. Expected Utility: Weak and Strong, 2024.

Work in Progress:

.. A General Model of Delegation, 2019.

.. On the Implications of Time Invariance, 2022.

.. Eventual Impatience Sustained Patience, 2023.

Refereed For:

Econometrica, European Economic Review, International Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Mathematical Social Sciences, Review of Economic Studies, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Social Choice and Welfare.

Organised Events:

Microeconomics Seminars, Department of Economics, University of Southampton, 2020-2021.

Behaviour, Incentives and Contracts (BIC) Microeconomic Theory Workshop, University of St Andrews, 2014.

Brown Bag Seminar Series, School of Economics, University of St Andrews, 2015-2019.